The term “mood board” comes from the English and consists of “mood” (in German: “Stimmung”) and “board” (in German: “Tafel”) together. The term is used for collages composed of ideas, images, photos, text and/or illustrations. They serve the visual description of mood pictures, which cannot always be put into words. A mood board helps convey a specific impression of the idea, design, or language of a project or brand.

mood board | Mood Board | Wylder Motion Design Studio

What is a mood board?

It consists of image templates and texts in different fonts. They capture and convey a certain mood or atmosphere. Images and other elements that reflect a certain perception are collected for the collage. It can be created as a pure image composition or equipped with texts.

What is a mood board used for?

It can be used as a guide to developing and continuing a project such as a website. With its elements and colors, it creates a concrete template and serves as further inspiration. It helps to implement visions and feelings that gradually identify with brands or concepts. Whether the board is needed for a new website or for branding a start-up company, Moods makes it easy to create brand or concept goals. The collection of elements such as templates, different colors and texts creates further impetus for the implementation of the actual project. If the project or the brand has been confirmed, it helps to strengthen its respective identity. Further elements such as logos, designs, business cards and marketing measures are then implemented. It ensures that designers or users understand and accept the brand properties or project from the start. Once a brand identity has been confirmed, the board is used for further communication and dissemination of the concept and brand to the outside world.

physical variant

To create a physical board, one can use a simple piece of cardboard or wood onto which images or materials are glued. There are no limits to imagination and creativity.

Digital variant

Creating an online mood board is easy because various online services provide images. Pinterest, for example, allows images to be extracted from so-called pinboards. The picture collections are clearly arranged and make it easy to find suitable pictures. Moodstream provides image search tools for boards. The image selection can be narrowed down with filters. Moodboard and Moodboard-Lite provide tools that enable photo editing and exports in PDF or PNG format. With the provider Sampleboard, you can upload templates and organize them into project files that can be inserted into social media or documents

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